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The company LLC “Healthy Bread” became one of the winners of the “Commercialization-Import Substitution (Batch XIX)” competition held by the Innovation Assistance Fund and received a grant of 27.8 million rubles to purchase equipment for production expansion.



  • Neurobiologist, PhD in Biological Sciences
  • Candidate for a PhD in Technical Sciences
  • Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (postgraduate studies)
  • Patent holder
  • Finalist of the All-Russian Youth Projects Competition “Growth Priorities” 2019

“As the daughter of doctors, I always knew that nutrition plays a key role in shaping health. Bread, as a complex multi-component product, can both strengthen and worsen health. Avoiding bread risks creating a deficiency in B vitamins, dietary fiber, and other valuable micronutrients. It’s a vicious cycle. The saying ‘bread is the staff of life’ echoed in my mind, giving me no peace. As a simple consumer, realizing the problems in the baking industry, I understood that I had to create functional bread with enhanced nutritional value, safe and nutritious. If not me, then who?”


The work of an entire team began with the idea of one woman, a mother of two children.

For three years, we developed the line of “protein-spelt breads,” evolving from a home kitchen to the Research Institute (RI) of the Baking Industry.

On May 30, 2019, we completed the commissioning work.

On June 25, we made our first delivery to a retail network in Moscow.

Today, the company “VQ FORMULA” has established itself as a responsible and reliable supplier. Our products are now available in more than half of the retail chains, online markets, and cafeterias.

The product range has expanded, and new developments are underway.


  • Operating since 2019, our bakery has a capacity ranging from 6 to 100 tons per day. Today, the enterprise produces and ships patented functional “protein-spelt” bread and bakery products — a natural source of dietary fiber, protein, and vitamins.
  • We have a scientific and technical cooperation agreement with the Research Institute of the Baking Industry to launch a wide range of functional products.
  • We organize research work in collaboration with the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev.
  • We have contracts to supply products to Vkusvill, Azbuka Vkusa, Perekrestok, Globus Gourmet, Lenta, Prisma, Yandex Lavka, Samokat, Gazprom Catering, Compass Health, Utkonos, and are also focused on export.
  • Our new equipment includes a sourdough fermenter, hearth oven, packaging machines, and a unique vacuum bread cooler.
  • We use unique bread packaging technologies: vacuum bags with oxygen absorbers and antimicrobial treatment.